Printables (Choose this one)
Our Printables are for personal use and free to download and print ( Disclaimer: they are not perfect and may have a typo or two... you have been warned) . If you post them online we would love for you to give us credit, they are all made by the MyFroggyStuff Team with a lot of time, love and patience.
so... How do you Print a Printable
We have noticed that there are many questions on how to print the printables... and it is our understanding that Google has made a few changes ... so now we have to make a few changes XD. In this post we will try to address all your printable concerns and keep it updated so you can print the night away!UPDATED
on this page ... Click on an album below⇩
* it will open in a new window
* click on the printable you want
* it will open in a new window
* click on the printable you want
* click on the three dots in the top right hand corner
* click on download
* select and open the image from your downloads
* go to your top toolbar and select your printing options
* print on high quality
* select and open the image from your downloads
* go to your top toolbar and select your printing options
* print on high quality
Our printables are organized into the following categories/albums: