Our Dolls are going to Prom at Monster High!

Monster High launched this totally awesome website  MonsterHighProm.com where you can help the Ghouls get ready for prom in an online world! So Much Fun! and we thought it would be fun to create our own so our dolls can join in too! SO MUCH FUN!!!

... and the outside of our prom scene looks like the front of a totally awesome school ;o)  great for taking prom photos!
here is the vid on how we did it...

here are the printables that we used and... just click on the pic, drag to your desktop and print so you can make one too :oD
From flooring

From flooring

From flooring

From flooring

From flooring

we hope you have fun creating your own doll prom and we would love to see the pic on our Facebook page :oD
How To Print Printables:

*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic with open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop.
*** then print according to your printer settings... For background images like bricks and stuff, I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** all links tested on May 30, 2014

happy crafting :oD

here are a few more vids to help make your prom the best ever!

... a quick craft for the chips :oD

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