Make a Doll Basketball Court! Free Printables

Our dolls love a good game of hoops ... So we made them this Fabsome B-Ball court in a box :oD

Here is the vid on how we made it:

Here are the Printables that we used, just click the pic to download and enjoy for free :oD and for personal use only :oD
Here is the score board...

... Half of a basketball court, print two to make a whole court...

... Extra flooring...

... The trim we used around the court...

... And the trim we used at the top and bottom of the court, plus a fun logo to go in the center ...

... humm, now we have to add a locker room...

we might use this for the floor...

How To Print Printables:

*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic with open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop.
*** then print according to your printer settings... For background images like bricks and stuff, I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** all links tested on May 23, 2014

Happy crafting :oD

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