How to Make a Doll Locker Room with Free Printables
With all this awesome sports stuff we have been making lately our dolls needed somewhere to store it... so why not store it in a Fabsome new locker room!
here is the video on how we made it:
here are some of the printables we used, they are free to download and print for personal use only...
tile floor...
here is the video on how we made it:
here are some of the printables we used, they are free to download and print for personal use only...
tile floor...
lockers with sports book cover...
windows with a game play board...
How To Print Printables:
*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic with open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop.
*** then print according to your printer settings... For background images like bricks and stuff, I like to set my printer to "fill page"
other useful vids:
Happy crafting :oD