Art Classroom Printables: For Dolls with Creative Minds: Plus more Classroom Stuff
Since we love to create stuff, we thought our dolls might like some creative expression, too...soooo... We made them an Art Class... And tons of classroom printables to share :oD
Here's the video on how we did it...
Feel free to use any or all of our printables to get started on your own art room :oD
Like brick walls...
Classroom Doors... And to make the doors large enough, we separated them into two sections, then cut and piece them together...
Windows, a clock and an Art themed chalkboard...
Lockers for the hallway and an Art Text book...
And let's not forget, tons of art!... Copies of our summer artwork :oD
How To Print Printables:
*** To print the printables, just click on the pic... the pic with open in a new window and you can drag it to your desktop.
*** then print according to your printer settings... For background images like bricks and stuff, I like to set my printer to "fill page"
*** all links tested on May 23, 2014
Other ideas :
If a box is too big for you, try using these same printables on a folding doll set :oD
Other useful videos :