What kinds of Videos are You Interested in?

We want to know what kinds of vids you are interested in... Doll crafts showing more furniture? pet stuff? doll shows and spoofs like 
"Space Crafters"? our doll collection reviews
or doll room tours?

...just a few things you should know:
  • we do our best to keep our ideas as original as possible, and every thing we do is from trial and error, so you can sometimes see what  not to do XD
  • we do not do "how-to's" for items we sell in our shop... Ok, sometimes we do, but not often... a girls got to eat right :oD
  • we pick requests based on supplies on hand and ideas in the mind 
  • we will "try" to get to all request as soon as we can 
  • by submitting a request or idea you are giving us permission to use it 

If this sounds good to you, leave a comment on Instagram and/or YouTube :o) Thanks a Bunch!....

and Happy Crafting :oD