Recycled T'shirt Softies
What to do with those old tee shirts?... Well, here is an idea... make softies!
Using two and a half tee shirts and some fluff we made this cute little pandas.
Cut out the front and back of each shape, with good side facing good side, sew around the edges of the arms legs and ears , but leave an opening to flip it right side out and stuff with fluffsew the dark spots on the face, then position the ears arms and legs inside the frame of the body on the good side of your tee shirt, place the other piece of the body shape on top and pin in to place, sew around the edges but leave an opening on the side to flip right side out and stuff with fluff.
Cut out the front and back of each shape, with good side facing good side, sew around the edges of the arms legs and ears , but leave an opening to flip it right side out and stuff with fluffsew the dark spots on the face, then position the ears arms and legs inside the frame of the body on the good side of your tee shirt, place the other piece of the body shape on top and pin in to place, sew around the edges but leave an opening on the side to flip right side out and stuff with fluff.
Then I used some small pieces of felt and thread for the eyes, nose, and mouth.
...since I used daddy's old tee shirts, these two little pandas have special meaning in our house :oD Happy crafting